Burn Injury

A burn injury is a type of traumatic injury that results from exposure to heat, electricity, chemicals, radiation, or friction. Burns can range in severity from mild, first-degree burns to severe, third-degree burns that damage multiple layers of skin and tissues, including nerves and muscle.


The severity of this injury depends on several factors, including the temperature of the source, the duration of exposure, and the type of tissue affected. Moreover, First-degree burns are limited to the top layer of skin (epidermis) and cause redness, pain, and mild swelling. Second-degree burns involve deeper layers of skin (dermis) and result in blisters, severe pain, and redness. Third-degree burns are the most severe, damaging all layers of skin and underlying tissues and causing a white or blackened appearance and loss of sensation.

burn injury, Burn Management

Treatment for burns

Treatment for burns depends on the severity of the injury and may include first aid measures, wound care, pain management, skin grafting, and physical therapy. But in severe cases, hospitalization and surgery may be necessary. It is important to seek medical attention immediately for such injury to prevent infection and promote healing.

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Burn Management

Severe Injury

It is one that is complicated by major trauma or inhalation injury, a chemical. A high-voltage electrical, and, in general, for adults, any burn encompassing >20 percent of the total body surface area (TBSA). Excluding superficial burns (epidermal; first-degree burns). For older adults and young children, a burn encompassing less than 20 percent of the TBSA may be considered severe. Best Plastic Surgeon in Lahore, Pakistan.

Wound Care

First aid:

Immediate cooling of burns with cool running tap water helps to reduce the severity of tissue damage and relieve pain. Burns cooled for 20 minutes show greater re-epithelisation than other time periods. Leave any clothing that is adhered to underlying skin and immediately cool wounds for 20 minutes with continuous running water. If possible in partial thickness and superficial burns, not in full thickness burns.
Patients with a large ratio (TBSA > 10%) or children/older people should be observed for hypothermia. And in such circumstances cooling should be ceased. In circumstances where running water is not available, apply wet towels or saline-soaked gauze to affected areas and change frequently.


If the patient is being transferred to the burns service within six hours, cover the wound with plastic cling film. It should be applied longitudinally (to allow for swelling) rather than circumferentially, which may have a tourniquet-like effect.

Moreover, If none is available and/or the patient is unlikely to be transferred to the burns unit within six hours. Cover with paraffin gauze/silver or non-adherent dressing. But Once dressings are complete, elevate the affected limb if possible to assist in minimizing wound edema. Place the patient on a burn sheet to absorb any exudate and to allow for minimal adhesion.
But It’s important to document if the burns have been contaminated at the time of injury or during care such as if the patient rolled in the dirt at the time of injury or jumped into a dam to cool the burns.


Moreover, complications in injured patients include systemic (multiorgan failure, individual organ complications) and burn-specific complications. Best Plastic Surgeon in Lahore, Pakistan.

Post Deformities

The importance of rehabilitation of such injuries has increased due to the improved short and long-survival rates of people with large burns. Moreover, successful outcomes following hand-burn injury require an understanding of the rehabilitation needs of the patient.

Such deformities occur secondary to skin loss. But, deformity correction involves not only correcting the skin loss but also the secondary changes that have occurred in the musculotendinous units and joints. They usually are the limiting factors for deformity correction.